

测量计量/ 广东广州市/ 1166
2022-09-28 发布时间
http://testo.bolaiw.com/ 官方网站


德国德图集团(Testo SE & Co. KGaA)是全球便携式及在线测量技术领域的主要参与者之一,总部位于德国黑森林地区。在全球 34 个子公司,有 3,200 名员工投入研发、生产和市场工作,并为空调通风、食品质量、建造技术、排放控制以及其他诸多领域寻找创新的测量方案而不懈努力。

德图仪器作为测量技术领域的创新者,每年为全球超过 30 万用户在测量数据管理方面提供可靠的测量仪器和创新方案。德图产品帮助用户节省时间和资源,保护环境和人类健康以及为客户的产品和服务增值。
自从 1957 年成立以来,德图集团以平均每年高于10% 的速度增长,当前的销售额已超过 2.5 亿欧元,黑森林地区的宁静同高科技体系的美好结合令人印象深刻。高于平均水平的投入奠定了公司走向成功未来的基础,德图集团坚持将十分之一的销售额用于研发项目。

Testo SE & Co. KGaA, with its headquarters in Lenzkirch in the Black Forest, is one of the main market players in the field of portable and stationary measurement technology. In 34 subsidiary companies worldwide, 3,200 staff are involved in the research, production, and marketing for the high-tech company, working to find innovative measurement solutions in the fields of air conditioning and ventilation, food quality, building technology, emission control, and many more fields.

Testo, the measurement technology innovator, is used by over 300,000 customers worldwide per year with reliable measuring instruments and innovative solutions for the measurement data management of tomorrow. Products from Testo help to save time and resources, to protect the environment and the health of humans, and to increase the value of goods and services.

An average annual growth of over 10% since founding in 1957, and a current turnover of more than a quarter of a billion Euros, impressively demonstrate that the Upper Black Forest and high-tech systems go wonderfully together. The above-average investments in the future of the company are a part of Testo's recipe for success. Testo invests about a tenth of the annual turnover in Research & Development.

德图中国 —— 测量领域的开拓者


德图仪器国际贸易(上海)有限公司是德国德图集团在中国的子公司,员工 80 余人,代理商基本覆盖全国各个区域。德图集团拥有超过 60 年的测量技术经验,我们的使命是在行业内提供良好的质量、服务和价值。德图为环保、高耗能、医药、食品以及室内环境等市场提供燃烧效率、烟气排放、食品安全、医药健康、供暖空调&制冷和环境监测等多方位的解决方案。正如德图在全球的品牌主张“Be Sure”,真正做到让客户心中有数、有据可依。


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